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Bladder and Bowel Anxiety Assessment

The following assessment uses validated scales assessing two of the most common forms of bladder and bowel related anxiety. The first scale (Shy Bladder and Shy Bowel Scale; SBBS) is a measure of paruresis and parcopresis symptom severity. The second scale (Bladder and Bowel Incontinence Phobia Symptom Severity Scale; BBIPSS) assesses bladder and bowel anxiety relating to incontinence. Both scales do NOT provide a diagnosis or full psychological assessment. Assessment and diagnosis are best undertaken by your medical practitioner or mental health professional. Your answers are anonymous and will not be collected.


The following questions ask you about common (yet uncomfortable) experiences that people sometimes have when using the restroom. Please answer honestly by indicating how much you agree or disagree with each statement.

I get anxious when urinating 

I can’t relax when urinating

I worry I cannot empty my bladder when close to others

If there are other people in the restroom I wait until they leave before urinating

My anxiety about urinating in public has negatively impacted upon my life

My anxiety about urinating in public interferes with my daily functioning

I am anxious due to the fear of urinating in public

The anxiety about urinating in public interferes with my social life

I can't have a bowel motion when around others in a bathroom/restroom

I avoid going to the toilet, even if I need to have a bowel motion

I delay going to the toilet, even if I need to have a bowel motion

I worry I cannot empty my bowel when close to others

My bowel habits make my life unbearable

My bowel habits are the most significant contributor to my anxiety levels in life

My bowel habits reduce my quality of life

My bowel habits make me feel frustrated


Please read each statement and indicate whether you feel the statement is characteristic or true of you. Please answer honestly.

I experience fear about not making it to a bathroom in time to urinate

Due to my concerns regarding urinary incontinence, I always look for a toilet when in an unfamiliar place

I can’t relax if I feel my bladder isn’t empty

I worry about being humiliated in public if I lose control of my bladder

My bladder patterns are unpredictable

People would think I’m a disgusting person if they saw I had lost control of my bladder

Having urinary incontinence in public would be the worst experience I could imagine

Losing control of one’s bladder in public is a very shameful act

I often check for sensations in my bowel (e.g., rumbling)

I worry about losing control of my bowel around others

I have the overwhelming urge to have a bowel motion every time I am stressed

My bowel patterns are unpredictable

Having bowel incontinence in public would be the worst experience I could imagine

Losing control of my bowels in public would mean that I am an unclean person

Losing control of one’s bowel in public is a very shameful act