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What are bladder and bowel anxiety conditions?
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Paruresis (Shy bladder)
What is paruresis?
History of paruresis
Theories of paruresis
Paruresis and social anxiety disorder
Assessment for paruresis
The shy bladder and bowel scale
Parcopresis (Shy bowel)
What is parcopresis?
History of parcopresis
Theories of parcopresis
Parcopresis and social anxiety disorder
Assessment for parcopresis
The shy bladder and bowel scale
Bladder and
bowel inconti-
nence anxiety
What is incontinence?
Treating incontinence
What is incontinence anxiety?
History of incontinence anxiety
Theories of incontinence anxiety
Incontinence anxiety and social anxiety disorder
Assessments for incontinence anxiety
The bladder and bowel incontinence phobia severity scale
Psychological conditions and
treatment approaches for
bladder and bowel anxieties
Psychological conditions
associated with bladder
and bowel anxieties
Social anxiety disorder
Depression and bladder and bowel anxieties
Obsessive compulsive disorder and bladder and bowel anxieties
Panic disorder and bladder and bowel anxieties
Treatment approaches
for bladder and
bowel anxieties
Medical treatmentfor bladder and bowel anxieties
Psychological treatmentsfor bladder and bowel anxieties
Advice and
Advice for adults living with bladder and bowel anxieties
Advice for friends and family members living with bladder and bowel anxieties
in Research
Bladder and
bowel anxiety
Select Page
clinical assessment